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Happy International Day of Happiness 2023!

International Day of Happiness 2023!

Today, we celebrate the importance of happiness and well-being in our lives. While there are many factors that contribute to our happiness, one of the most important is our mental health.

In particular, we turn our minds to people experiencing depression or affective disorder on this day. Happiness can be hard to find for some in our community and feelings of sadness can occur across a range of human experiences. Understanding, support and care from others can make a huge difference to management and recovery.

This is what motivates our work at Safer Communities.

The MHFA training programs we deliver teach individuals how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental illness and substance use disorders. Our training can be especially valuable for people who work with others, such as teachers, healthcare professionals, and community leaders, but it can also be useful for anyone who wants to learn more about mental health and how to support those who may be struggling.

By participating in MHFA training with us, we can all help to reduce the stigma surrounding mental illness and encourage more people to seek help when they need it. We can also empower individuals to take an active role in promoting mental health and well-being in their communities.

If you're interested in learning more about our programs or would prefer a tailor-made option, view our website here:

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